My Fears Come to Life

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Monday I was woke up with a phone call that Layla had some blood on the cotton ball in her ear.  I rushed over to get her and my father and I rushed her to the ER.  On the way she started having a small trickle of blood from her ear.  I was terrified that she was going to bleed out!!  All that went through my mind is that the artery tore further.  I have never been so scared in my life!

When we got to the ER the stupid wench at the registration desk didn't want to take us back immediately.  I'm telling her that Layla is bleeding from her carotid artery that had been injured.  She didn't seem to understand.  I was ready to grab my badge out of my purse and go back anyways.  She finally walked back to get a nurse.  Funnily enough the ER doc thought we should have surgery take a look.  Haha.  The surgeon on call didn't even want to see her just said to ship her immediately.  Yep, we got another helicopter ride!  This time Layla was awake for it and thought it was great!  She wanted to go again, lol.

The ENT and the neurosurgeons decided to just permanently occlude that artery so there would be no further chance of bleeding.  The downside of this is that she was at a high risk of having a stroke because of the loss of circulation from that artery.  I wanted to go ahead anyways.  I would much rather have some deficit to deal with than the chance of her hemorrhaging and dying.

She came through the procedure with flying colors!  No neurological problems, still Layla.  We came home Thursday afternoon.  However, now the poor baby has some GI bug and is vomiting.  So now I'm trying to keep fluids in her.  Sigh.  Hopefully she will get through this soon!


Anonymous said...

You and your family are in my dua's. May Allah heal your daughter and ease the troubles that you have been dealing with. Ameen

Please know that others are out here and we are praying for you and your beautiful family. InshaAllah she will get stronger and healthier with each passing moment


jazain said...

im so relieved for you cindi. ive been holding my breath the whole time. thank God there is not damage!!!